Thursday, October 7, 2010

Comments and Questions Chapters 5-7

Blake is my partner
Chapter 5:
     Comment 1: I am happy that he was able to leave the plantation and be a house slave.
     Comment 2: I felt sorrow for him having to live on the plantation in the winter with minimul clothing.
     Question 1: How did he survived through the winter with nothing but two shirts and a sack?
     Question 2: Why was he okay with leaving his siblings behind?
Chapter 6:
     Comment 1: I'm glad he could finally see the good in white people and realize they weren't all bad.
     Comment 2: It was a disapointment that she wasn't that nice for long.
     Question 1: Why were the city slaves treated better?
     Question 2: I understand why she stopped teaching, but why did she become cruel after all?
Chapter 7:
     Comment 1: I am glad he finally learned to read and write.
     Comment 2: This really is the start of Douglass' escape and career as a writer.
     Question 1: How did he obtain the books?
     Quesiton 2: Why would the mistress go against her husband and teach him how to read and write?

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