Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hybrid Method

I am apprehensive about sharing my essay because I've never really been comfortable about sharing my writing. This is mainly because I fear I will be judged. Not openly of course but I know people will be thinking things. This is good since their critiques will help me improve my essay, but it stills makes me nervous if my writing is bad. If my writing is good though, I feel like I'm showing off and it may put other people down about their essays. I feel that would happen to me if someone had a great essay, i would feel bad about my essay not being as good. The best thing that could happen i suppose is people would give me great advice and I go to become the greatest writer ever. The worste possible scenario, however, is that my writing will be so horrible everyone will hate me.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Cold Makes Me Want to...

The cold makes me want to dress warm, mostly because I dont like being cold. Also I want to build an igloo in the snow and take a nap in it. And when people attack my snow home I would make a snow fortress and attack them and then it would be a super cool snowball fight. And then when I beat them, I would be merciful and not destroy their snow fort, but join our forts together to make a super awesome one. And then we would make snow angels, but thats very cold so I would go inside and eat something warm. Something like chilli. After that I would take a nap. Unless of course, I wasnt tired. In that case, I would probably eat some more or go to school depending on what day it is. The cold makes me want to do these things.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Writing Comments

I found my comments to be helpful and ensightful. There were some encouraging comments as well as some that point out my weaknesses so I am able to improve one those. I had the most difficulty with composing topic sentences. They werent specific enough, so that resulted in my body paragraphs straying off topic a little bit. In past essays I also had trouble making my essay in MLA format, but thats just something you have to memorize and I'm pretty sure I've got it down. Another comment provided me with a tip on chooseing my words more wisely, as to make my argument stronger. Simply, avoid sounding passive.
My strengths I think were the ideas I had were very strong and realated to the topic. asdfjkl;ufyv

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Awakening

To start, I would just like to say that I would not recommend this to a friend for the mere sake of reading, but I might however recommend it for educational purposes. The book marks an important age in womens' rights and their self-discovery. It does this, in a very drab and slow process though. I found this aspect of it difficult to read and stay focused, but i did get it done.
The author tells the story of womens' advancement in society through one woman's life, which I did enjoy. I found that to be preferrable over a non-fiction informative novel of womans' role in society. This woman's name is Edna and the reader follows her through her journey of self-discovery. It's not until the end when Edna finally has an awakening. She sets an example for women everywhere in her decisions and actions, and although I don't agree with all of them, I admire her for that. I found her progression through the novel quite interesting seeing as she changed so much from the beginning, going from a conformist to a non-conformist and also becoming independent and making her own decision for the first time. That was really the point of the novel, and I think the author did a good job of expressing this. It wasnt an easy read, or a good read for all that matter, but it was important.