Monday, December 6, 2010

The Jungle Chapter 26

At the beginning of the chapter, Jurgis, for the most part, gives up his life of crime in order to "lay low" for awhile. He has a job as a pig skinner and is getting paid well; He's getting paid 3 dollars a day! I think this is pretty swell. He may have been making alot as a criminal, but now hes earning money without breaking the law. Either decision would have been fine, perhaps open for discussion maybe?
The strike by the union really worked well for Jurgis, because there were more job openings and they were paying more to loyal workers. This allows Jurgis to become a foreman in the packing plant. This is really good for him, which is sort of the first time he has advanced in society. The strike threatens to end this, but doesnt which was a great releif.
Also, he has people to watch his back now for the first time since he left his family. Mike Scully and his people are watching out for him. When Jurgis lands in prison again one of his fellows takes $300 of his money, but at least he gets him out of jail by persuading the judge that he's a good man.
Jurgis lands in jail for this third time because he beats Connor again. Sinclair said Jurgis was filled with blind rage, and I was too! I was hoping that Jurgis would jump at him and beat him up, and i was glad that he did. Connor was to blame for Ona's death, and Connor deserved it and more for that i beleive. I feel the same emotions that Jurgis does when he discovers Connor is a friend of Scully, because I too wanted Connor to get beat up, but then i regreted it afterwards as Jurgis did.
Things arent going great yet, but at least its not tragedy after tragedy, so thats pretty cool. Ready to present... Yea... :D


  1. This was very good and i like how you got into the reading and its also good to see that jurgis is getting paid well so yes you did a great job!!!!

  2. Garret, You did a good job blogging. You should add some more emotion and reactions to the reading. I'm ready to present too!!
