Monday, October 18, 2010

Narrative of the life and times of Frederick Douglass: Final Chapter

I am glad to finally read about Frederick's freedom. All through the narrative I knew it was coming, but now its good that it's finally here and he doesnt have to go through the hardships of slavery any longer. I really wish he would have gone into more detail about his escape, because it was either not discussed, or I missed it. But it didnt seem that it happened all that suddenly. Officially he did become free suddenly, but he unofficially became free before then because he slowly gained more freedoms as a slave. He had jobs, and actually made money. This is completely different from other aspects of slavery, and I'm suprised he was able to do this. Douglass said he exerienced the difficulties of both a slave and a free man, but did not recieve the same benefits as if he was free.
At first life was hard when he was free, not being able to trust anyone, and living in the fear you could be taken back at any moment, it must have been horrible. But Douglass finally met a man named Mr.Ruggles, who was able to help him out, along with other runaway slaves. Douglass later got married and moved away with her and finally experienced the way a free life should be experienced with difficulties finding a job included. To bring these narrative reactions to an end, i thought Douglass did a great job in his life story argueing for the side of the north. I'm glad we were able to read this and get a better understanding of the life of a slave.
1) I wish Douglass would have gone into more detail on his escape.
2) I'm glad Douglass was able to find a person like Mr.Ruggles in a time where he really needed it
1) Why did Douglass trust Mr.Ruggles?
2) Why didn't Douglass' master try and search for him?


  1. I am glad that this narritive helped you to understand slavery better. It is very sad throughout almost the whole story the tortures and stuff that he went through.


  2. Garret aka Chicken,

    Well I love the way you put this. I mean the words, you sound very smart.(: I like how you expressed your opinion in this and that you made a hypothesis in the beginning that you said you knew that this was going to happen. It's a relief I guess or kinda a "I told you" kinda thing(: haha If you know what Im talking about, if you dont I understand. Good job, verl well put together.(:

