Monday, December 13, 2010

Chapters whatever to such and such

I dunno about these chapters man... To begin, I don't like how it went from Jurgis' life to to this strong argument on socialism so quickly and obviously; not only am I left unsatisfied on what is going on with Jurgis and his family, but also the book has gotten quite boring. Socialism seems to be a pretty good idea, but then again, the author is only providing us with all the good aspects of Socialism, so i'm not really able to see a downside to it. I'm happy for Jurgis and Elzbeita for discovering it though. Jurgis seems to be pretty excited about it and since then he has been able voice his mind in meetings. Since Jurgis found Socialism, Jurgis' life has been going good even though he is living in a mainly Capitalistic society where his neighbors go hungry his family dies. This argument is the strongest of all because it goes beyond mere facts and shows the readers an example of a real life situation where everything that can go wrong, does.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Jungle Chapters 27 & 28

In chapter 27 the major event is that Jurgis is reunited with Marija. He meets an old friend on the street while begging, and she tells Jurgis where Marija is living downtown. I think that this chance is too small to be coincedence and that its great! It really makes me happy when Jurgis decides to go visit her. Even though his main reason is probably because he needs a home, this action shows a little bit more of the old Jurgis, and I like that hes coming through. Too bad Marija had to resort to becoming a whore to help feed Elbeata and her kids, but sometimes hard times have to resort to that, and since Marija is sending money back, I think it was a wise decision. They all get arrested by the police, but I thought this was odd because later in the day they just continue what they were doing, which made no sense.Marija is sort of trapped there now, but isnt everyone in packing town really?
The argument for Socialism is coming on strong now, as can be seen when Jurgis goes to this meeting thing where a man preaches about all the crime and swindles, and all the flaws in a Capitalistic society. Really simply, he was talking about how "the man" was holding them all down. Less simply however, he speaks about how the laborers do the work, and the rich prosper from it and keep us down and pretty much everything that has happened wrong in Jurgis' life since he came to America. Jurgis agrees and is moved by this. That's 'bout it.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Jungle Chapter 26

At the beginning of the chapter, Jurgis, for the most part, gives up his life of crime in order to "lay low" for awhile. He has a job as a pig skinner and is getting paid well; He's getting paid 3 dollars a day! I think this is pretty swell. He may have been making alot as a criminal, but now hes earning money without breaking the law. Either decision would have been fine, perhaps open for discussion maybe?
The strike by the union really worked well for Jurgis, because there were more job openings and they were paying more to loyal workers. This allows Jurgis to become a foreman in the packing plant. This is really good for him, which is sort of the first time he has advanced in society. The strike threatens to end this, but doesnt which was a great releif.
Also, he has people to watch his back now for the first time since he left his family. Mike Scully and his people are watching out for him. When Jurgis lands in prison again one of his fellows takes $300 of his money, but at least he gets him out of jail by persuading the judge that he's a good man.
Jurgis lands in jail for this third time because he beats Connor again. Sinclair said Jurgis was filled with blind rage, and I was too! I was hoping that Jurgis would jump at him and beat him up, and i was glad that he did. Connor was to blame for Ona's death, and Connor deserved it and more for that i beleive. I feel the same emotions that Jurgis does when he discovers Connor is a friend of Scully, because I too wanted Connor to get beat up, but then i regreted it afterwards as Jurgis did.
Things arent going great yet, but at least its not tragedy after tragedy, so thats pretty cool. Ready to present... Yea... :D

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Jungle Chapters 21-23

All seemed to being going well in Jurgis' life for once, and like Mr. J had put it, another tragedy came too conveniently. When the streets flooded after a long rain, his child fell in and drown to death. This was probably the worst thing that has happened so far in the story I think, and its really horrible. Jurgis saw the body, and walked until he was out of packing town and in the country. He then became a "tramp" and started living life happier, and at this point it was going well for Jurgis, which only means something bad is going to happen.
1) Since Marija could not stop Antanas from going outside, why did she not go out with him and supervise?
2) Where are Mariga and Elzbeta now?
3) Why did the family not move out to the country sooner?